1) The Hole Inside

POD The Hole Inside Ebook Cover 06
Zachary had spent his entire life with a hole inside of him where his God’s love should be.

It wasn’t safe to show that hole so Zachary tended to his tiny shrine to Illarion, the God of Light, worked his pottery job and spent time with his friends.

Caleb, Zachary’s best friend and occasional lover, tempted Zachary to reach out to the one person who truly mattered despite the fear of being rebuffed or, worse, reviled for everything he lacked. But one night of sex tempted him to take the chance on the love Caleb offered.

(Please note that there are themes of racism, past bullying, a character with PTSD, religious beliefs, and a sweet new romance in this story. If these themes bother you please read with caution. Overall, I’d give this one a PG-13 rating, R at the very most for the sex scene.)

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