November is Coming

This is a big deal for me.

November, for those who do not know, is NaNoWriMo, otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel during the 30 days of November. Divided up, that’s a total of 1667 words per day.

Now, generally I write at 45,000 words a month already so that’s not a big deal to me. I tend to set my personal goal for NaNoWriMo at 100,000 words. That means writing a minimum of 3333 words per day, which is a lot harder than 1600 words. Still quite doable. A few years ago I wrote 135,000 words during NaNo. Last year I wrote about 112,000 words.

This year I want to write the sequel to last year’s novel, Secrets of the Artificer Mages, and that’s what’s getting me twitchy.

You see, I sold Secrets of the Artificer Mages to a publisher and its in edits right now. Writing a sequel while working on the edits seems like a more than moderately crazy thing to do.

Still going to do it. I’m that sort of crazy. I’m just worrying that I won’t be able to write a good sequel, that it’ll go flying off in to left field, that the plot I’ve set up is ridiculous, that I should work on some other story, that, that, that, that… So many worries, so many of them silly.

Either way, November is coming and when it does arrive I’ll be very, very busy indeed getting my next novel written.

Wish me luck, please! @__@

About meyari

I am a writer of erotica, science fiction and fantasy. I've been writing for years but have just sold my first erotica novel and am working on self-publishing my non-erotica. I love sewing, collecting dolls, reading, and a great many crafts that I no longer have time to do. I've been happily married to my husband for 20 years.
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